Weddings Salon Services

Wedding Salon in Eureka Springs

Individual Services

Salon services for the bride and wedding party are unique to each individual and should be customized however, there are some basic recommendations.

Pictures are worth a thousand words and few events are as photographed as weddings. Manicures and pedicures mean picture perfect hands and feet for those ring and bouquet shots. Make up application by New Moon’s professionals will play up your most beautiful features, ensuring you walk the aisle with a flawless face. Formal hair styles and lash application are a must. The Beautiful Babe Package covers everything you’ll need with nails, hair and makeup. Consider requesting your nail services for the day prior to the ceremony to save time on wedding day.

Individual Services

Book now to lock in the current rates!

Formal Style – $80+

Makeup – $65

Just Eyes – $35

Eye Lash Strips – $25


Price increase depends on length, thickness, volume of hair, and the style you would like to achieve. Quote will be given during consultation with your Hair Specialist.

Please arrive with clean skin for Makeup and Facial services to ensure you receive the full service time and benefits of the services.

Contact a New Moon Event Planner to discuss Bridal Salon Services that are available as well as product information. Ask them to share the latest trends in wedding hair and makeup.